Welcome to the St. Mark's UMC Student Ministry Landing Page!

Weekly Gatherings (Unless Otherwise Announced Below in the ‘Weekly Updates’ Section):

-Sunday School: 9:15-10:15 am in the St Mark’s Youth Wing

-Sunday Afternoon Youth Gathering: 5-7 pm in the St Mark’s Youth Wing

- Wednesday Evening Youth “Bible Study Hall”: 6-7:00 pm in the Library

Weekly Updates Here:

Week of 9/9/24

  1. Happy Birthday to Piper Wiley, who turns 14 on September 12th!

  2. Wednesday Night Together Youth programming will be held in the Youth Center rather than in the Library on Wednesday 9/11, as a candidate for the Youth Director position will be joining us that evening to lead a special session from 6 to 7 pm. Youth and parents are strongly encouraged to attend and participate that evening, as it represents a unique opportunity to connect with the candidate (whose name is David) and to give feedback that may help to shape the Youth Ministry moving forward.  The evening’s programming will begin usual with WNT Dinner in the Banquet Hall at 5 pm (free for Youth & Children!) and continuing with the aforementioned Youth programming beginning at 6 pm in the St. Mark’s Youth Center.

  3. Cedar Crest’s “Wesley in the Woods” Retreat for students in grades 5-8 is already upon us … St. Mark’s Youth will depart in the church van from the parking lot just outside the Youth Center this Friday September 13th at 5:30 pm and return from Cedar Crest around noon on Sunday the 15th.  The focus will be on our shared United Methodist heritage and the vows we take when we join The United Methodist Church, but there will also be plenty of fun and fellowship! Registration for this retreat is now closed, but if you have any questions or would like to inquire about the possibility of a late registration, please contact Hannah Pratt (hannah@stmarkstn.org) or John McDaniel (jnmmcd97@gmail.com)

  4. Mark your calendar: Student Ministry’s “Zoo Day” is scheduled for Tuesday September 17th (no school for RCS students that day) … Hope to see you there!  Please note that we are in need of a chaperone for this event.  If your student will be joining us or if you would be willing to serve as a chaperone for this outing, please contact John McDaniel (jnmmcd97@gmail.com) by Friday, September 13th.

  5. Our Student Ministry Fall Semester Events Calendar is now here!  See the Youth newsletter for more details …  

  6. Mark your calendar: We need at least 4 Youth from St. Mark’s (and preferably more!) to serve as Youth Ushers during the Worship Service on Sunday September 30th.  If you are willing to serve as a Youth Usher on 9/30, please let me know!

  7. Thank you to those of you who have signed up to provide “Fellowship Dinners” for our St. Mark’s Youth!  We are still in need of a few more volunteers during the months of October through December.   These fellowship dinners are essential to creating a welcoming, comfortable space for our Youth where they know that they are cared for.  Providing a meal can mean preparing something homemade or just simply ordering takeout (I'd be happy to place the order for you and pick it up myself, according to your preference). https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0E48A8A823ABFFCE9-49452723-stmarks#/

REMINDERS (Older but Still Relevant Announcements)

  1. St. Mark’s Youth members are required to complete and return the new (2024-25) General Health & Photo Release Form; submission of this form is a requirement for participation in all future St. Mark’s events and outings during the coming year. Click HERE to find a printable PDF version of the General Health & Photo Release Form, or I can provide you with a printed copy of the form upon request.

  2. If anyone does not have access to the 2024 St. Mark's Youth Photo Circle, please click here for access to all St. Mark's Youth photos:         https://join.photocircleapp.com/G0MNKVE48C

Volunteer Opportunities

“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms” - 1 Peter 4:10  

St. Mark’s Youth Ministry (For Students in Grades 6-12) Needs Helpers!  If you are seeking an opportunity to serve God by pouring into others, look no further than our own Youth program; you can use the SignupGenius form (linked below) to choose the date(s) of your service.  There are 2 primary tasks for which we are constantly in need of adult volunteers: 1.) Preparing Dinner (this is our greatest area of need), and 2.) Serving as an Adult Youth Leader.

(Scroll down for more info and signup link)

Youth Ministry Volunteer Opportunity #1: Provide Dinner

- This could be a full meal or something like an appetizer that the kids could share … we would love to have you come to the Youth Gathering and share the meal with us, but if you’re not able to stay, you could just drop off the food at the St. Mark’s kitchen around 4:45 pm on the Sunday evening that you’ve signed up for.  We are currently averaging about 10 Youth attendees per meeting, plus 2-3 adult leaders.  Click on the black button below for a link to our Sign Up page.

Youth Ministry Volunteer Opportunity #2: Serve as an Adult Youth Leader or Guest Speaker

- We are always looking for Adult Leaders to help supervise and foster a more relational Youth ministry!  If you are interested in additionally serving as a Small Group Discussion Leader while you’re here (very easy job!), that would be even better … but even if not, we’d still love to have you join us and provide an extra set of eyes and ears to help ensure a safe space for our Youth.  If you have a particular lesson or testimony that you would like to share, even better!  Please contact Dr. Toedt at louis@stmarkstn.org if you are interested in helping serving this ministry.

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Thank you for visiting!

© 2022 St Mark’s United Methodist Church

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